Thursday, February 18, 2010

Opening Post

Welcome to the opening installment of The Murphy Files, our forum for what we hope will become a stimulating exchange of ideas and information regarding regulatory and legal matters of interest to disability professionals. We do request that people sign their posts, and would also remind everyone that it is illegal for employees from different companies to share information regarding their company’s rating practices or any other information that could be deemed “anti-competitive” or is confidential or proprietary. While we’re at it, here’s the rest of the disclaimer:

CDS is committed to adhering to the letter and the spirit of anti-trust laws. “The Murphy Files” is intended solely as a forum for the expression of various points of view on the regulatory and legal topics identified there. Under no circumstances shall “The Murphy Files” be used as a mechanism or means for competing companies to reach any understanding, expressed or implied, which tends to restrict competition or, in any way, impair the ability of members to exercise their independent business judgment regarding matters affecting competition.

Topic - The Interstate Compact (IC)

As we wait patiently for the IC to develop group disability product standards, we’re curious about what sort of experiences companies are having in filing other products with the IC. Are reviewers adhering closely and consistently to the product standards? How are the turnaround times for IC filings, compared with turnaround times for state fillings (which admittedly vary widely from state to state)? Any other comments?